Deutsche Bundesbank

The Deutsche Bundesbank – is a Federal corporation under the public law, the central bank of the Federal Republic of Germany with an office in Frankfurt, Germany.

The Deutsche Bundesbank as the central bank is an integral part of the Federal Republic of Germany of the European System of Central Banks. It acts at the carrying out its duties with the primary objective of maintaining price level stability, manages the foreign reserves of the Federal Republic of Germany, arranges the smooth processing of payments domestically and with foreign countries and contributes to the stability of the Payment and Settlement systems.

Functions of the Deutsche Bundesbank:

  • The Bundesbank is a note-issuing bank
  • The Bundesbank is the state’s banker
  • The Bundesbank is the manager of currency reserves of the state
  • The Bundesbank is the bank of banks (acts as a clearinghouse and ensures banks supervision)

Deutsche Bundesbank4.5 out of 5 based on 4 ratings

Business Data:

  • Currency reserves (2012): €188.6 billion
  • Profit (2010): €2.206 billion
  • Net income (2010) €3.570 billion (2010)
  • Total balance (2010): €671.25 billion


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