Santander Consumer Bank

Santander Consumer Bank AG is a German credit institution, operates under German law in the legal form of a joint-stock company with headquarters in Mönchengladbach. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Spanish financial group Banco Santander SA.

The business model is the Santander Consumer Bank is based on three pillars: the private customer business, automotive finance, and consumer finance. Santander Consumer Bank AG is offering car loans through approximately 21,000 merchant partners nationwide and eight dealers distribution centers in the metropolitan areas of Hamburg, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Munich, Hanover, Berlin, and Stuttgart. The consumer credit business focuses on commercial lines consumer electronics, computers, and furniture.

Santander Consumer Bank AG began operations in Germany after the takeover of the German retail banking business of SEB 331 stores (as of 31.12.2012). There is also a branch of Santander Direkt Bank in Moenchengladbach. All banking services are also offered directly via online and telephone banking. Overall Santander employed in Germany over 3,800 employees.

The Bank maintains by its own account in the global business sector ‘Santander Universities’ partnerships with more than a thousand academic institutions in 17 countries worldwide, including the German universities of Heidelberg, Cologne, Goethe University Frankfurt, and the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Santander promotes doctoral programs funded places in the counseling for students and sponsors scholarships.

Business Data:

Total assets: 37,101.0 million euros
Deposits: 29765.4 million euros
Customer loans: 30294.5 million euros
Employees: 3,808
Offices: 331


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